Amrita Vidyalayam, Secunderabad, is a secondary school located on Mahendra Hills, next to the Brahmasthanam in Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh, and is surrounded by picturesque hills. This vidyalayam is affiliated to CBSE, and is managed by Mata Amritanandamayi Math.
As a part of the Amrita family, we aim to instil in our students a strong sense of our cultural and spiritual values, while imparting the best in modern scientific education.
Our vidyalayam shall always provide a rich learning environment where students can excel fearlessly in all facets of their personality – physical, mental, intellectual and aesthetic. This foundation will enable self-fulfilment of their professional, personal, family and social lives.
While maintaining the traditional values of the Guru-Shishya Parampara, we have created a path-breaking paradigm in school education. We aim to meet the needs, hopes and dreams of the children of the 21st century, by harnessing to the greatest extent possible, all that present day cutting edge educational and information technologies have to offer.
Amma’s Message
We all know that the real goal of education is not to create people who understand only the language of technology; it should be to also impart a culture of the heart based on spiritual values. Tomorrow’s world will be shaped by today’s children. In their tender minds it is easy to cultivate universal human values. The teaching of universal spiritual principles and human values should be a standard part of general education.